Before delving deeper into registry settings and the like, make sure that if you are running Windows Vista or Windows 7 you run the setup installer AS ADMINISTRATOR (right-click on it choose "Run as Administrator").
If that doesn't work:
Information from Microsoft:
This behavior may occur if certain dynamic-link library files (.dll files) are not registered correctly or if there is a firewall between the computer and the Internet that does not allow HTTPS (SSL) connections. RESOLUTION
To resolve this behavior, use the regsvr32 command to reregister several .dll files:
Some have reported that simply re-registering the MSXML3.DLL seems to fix the problem.
If that hasn't helped you may need to re-registered some more files:
Trouble logging in? Simply enter your email address OR username in order to reset your password.
For faster and more reliable delivery, add to your trusted senders list in your email software.